On Wednesday, April 2nd there will be 2 1/2 day workshops. The ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Refresher. This workshop is for those who have their ASIST certificates and it has NOT expired yet. You would become re-certified for another two years.
The second workshop of that day is the Tattered Teddies, a workshop about Suicide in Children. This workshop provides discussions, protective/risk factor tools and case studies that help a caregiver if they are concerned about a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old.
On Thursday and Friday, April 3rd and 4th. Jackie Twining and I will deliver the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training). This workshop is for caregivers who will be provided with first aid skills and learn what they could do if they are dealing with someone who might have thoughts of suicide.
There is still time to register for all three workshops.
The poster indicated that the ASIST refresher is cancelled but it is still a go. I was unable to change it.
Check out these posters and give Karen or Jackie a call…also pass these posters to others you think might be interested.