We have been discussing what we should do with said collectables and came up with a few ideas. The first one is that he wants a dreamcatcher made from the feathers. When he comes to visit in August, we will go into the bush and get some willow. Of course, we will make a traditional offering of tobacco, as we will with the feathers we will use.
Then I will teach him how to make one, with prayers for protection from his Kokum.
The rocks will be put into his "nifty" jar that we made from an old pepper container. This will help him to keep his things in one area. We may end up doing some drawings on the stones to put on his window sills.
As for the bull rush, I'm not sure yet but an idea will present itself. There is nothing better for a child then to use their imagination and create something given to us by Mother Earth and our relations. I am so blessed to have an opportunity to teach my grandson. Hiy Hiy