Specialized Workshops
Some of the workshops agencies and communities have requested are:
Community Workshops
*Addictions and Suicide
* Healthy Relationships
*Understanding and dealing with Addictions
*Grief and Loss
*Bereavement Support Groups
*Understanding Family Violence
*Anger Management
*Understanding Addictions and it's impact on the
individual, family and community
*"I'll Help You" Community Awareness on Suicide Prevention
*Elder Abuse
*Health, Hope and Healing
*Talking Circles
If you have a specialized workshop or training interest,
please contact me and I will work with you to develop an
appropriate workshop for your organization.
[email protected]
Community Workshops
*Addictions and Suicide
* Healthy Relationships
*Understanding and dealing with Addictions
*Grief and Loss
*Bereavement Support Groups
*Understanding Family Violence
*Anger Management
*Understanding Addictions and it's impact on the
individual, family and community
*"I'll Help You" Community Awareness on Suicide Prevention
*Elder Abuse
*Health, Hope and Healing
*Talking Circles
If you have a specialized workshop or training interest,
please contact me and I will work with you to develop an
appropriate workshop for your organization.
[email protected]