There are other activities in Alberta and, at home, that you can participate in.

Tomorrow, on World Suicide Prevention Day, you can choose to light a candle. I do this every year to remember those who have died by suicide but also for those people who are surviving that loss. Honouring their memory is a way to help us grieve. It also gives us a chance to remove the stigma by talking about suicide and how important it is share concerns.

On Thursday, the Support Network and CMHA Edmonton Region are hosting their annual March and Resource Fair. There is so much information that could benefit you or someone you know. If you are in the Edmonton area, consider attending.

Also check them out on twitter, the information and conversation is terrific! Their website is www.suicideinfo.ca

The last message that I'd like to share with you is this message from "To write on her arms with love", they have a great website and facebook page. The message I will pass on to others and I hope you will pass this on is the message that
Thank you, Hiy Hiy