I hope everyone has a great summer filled with fun filled and lazy days. I had a great summer, I spent lots of time with my grandchildren. I'm posting a picture of them below, they have grown so much and bring me such joy!
Well, it's September 01, time to let go of the summer and back to work planning. I have been giving some thought to the fall and I have some dates available for community workshops and/or training staff if anyone wants to send me an e-mail that would be great.
Another thought has been to add additional community workshops. I have been considering the Mental Health First Aide courses as beneficial to the community.
If there is a particular community workshop or training that you would like please let me know.
I'm going to be adding another section called 2011 workshops. I have been booking into next year and there are some dates available for 2011. Planning ahead has some great benefits.
Also please feel free to leave a comment on this blog. I would be thrilled to hear from you.
Thanks-Hai Hai