There is also something to rejoice in this terrible tragedy, no lives have been lost. People have all survived even with all of these deadly wildfires from yesterday and I am so happy about that.
There are two pictures below that I took at my acreage. This shows the amount of smoke that was near my place yesterday afternoon. The wind shifted and moved the wildfire in another direction and our community was safe...for now.
The last picture was taken by NASA Satellite and shows the Slave Lake wildfire as well as other wildfires in the north. Many small communities have been evacuated to the Towns of High Prairie and Peace River, some people have continued on to the Cities of Grande Prairie and Edmonton. My thoughts and prayers are with all the areas that may be impacted. I will continue to pray....I hope you do too!

Slave Lake Fire and Many Others in Alberta, Canada:
There are a number of large fires occurring throughout much of central and northern Alberta, Canada today and NASA's Aqua satellite captured this image of them. The town of Slave Lake has already suffered major losses. The Slave Lake fire can be seen in the middle of this satellite image from NASA's Aqua satellite. The two red areas just south of the lake are the locations of the fires and the smoke appears to be blowing in a northwesterly direction.
A good source for information is